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English translation for "cpu scheduling"


Related Translations:
cpu:  CPU = Central Processing Unit 【自动化】中央处理机。
cpu speedcpu:  速率:该选项显示启动后中央处理器的运行速率
cpu speed:  cpu速率
cpu chip:  中央处理痪片中央处理机片中央处理机芯片
cpu sockets:  cpu插座
risc cpu:  精简指令集
alpha cpu:  alpha微处理器
cpu capability:  中央处理部件能力
cpu board:  中央处理机插件
cpu computer:  cpu计算机专用
Example Sentences:
1.In this paper , the task scheduling methods of two typical processors are firstly reviewed , and the differences between cpu scheduling and network scheduling are compared
2.Then this paper discusses su router , including software truss , cpu scheduling , configure - language , programming environment and so on . in su router , we define a software object - “ package - transact - unit ”
接着本文论述了su路由器,包括分析了它的软件架构, cpu的调度以及它的配置语言和编程环境等。
Similar Words:
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